Merit Badge Class Prerequisites

Some scouts signed up for merit badge classes at Camp Mach that may be difficult to complete at camp unless they work on some requirements before they leave. If a scout does not complete a merit badge while in camp, a partial completion will be issued stating which requirements were successfully completed. The scout then has 12 months to complete the remaining requirements. A couple of other merit badge classes require you to bring specific supplies to camp. In case you don’t remember what you signed up for, here are the merit badges that may not be able to be completed entirely at camp without advance work:


Bird Study – Joe R
Bird Study Requirement 5 requires observing 20 different species of birds at camp and may be difficult to complete at camp

Camping – Sam C, Casey C, Peter F, Mitchell H, Karl J, Max M
Camping Requirement 9 requires a scout to have completed 20 days and nights of camping as well as specific activities on those campouts

Cooking Ryan B, Brady C, Casey C, Christopher G, Brian J, Nick J, Joey J, Max M, Christopher O, Mike R
Cooking Requirements 3 & 4 require that the scout plan a 2-day campout menu and prepare 4 of the meals. Requirement 7 requires that a scout plan and prepare meals at home.

Environmental Science – Alex B, Brady C, Ben C, Sam C, Tyler P, Mike R, Joe R
Environmental Science Requirement 3e requires research on an endangered species found in Illinois. This should be done prior to camp.

Nature – Alex B, Austin M
Nature Requirement 4 requires the study of various facets of nature. Work at home prior to camp can help toward earning the badge at camp.

Orienteering – Casey C, Max D, Mitchell H, Christian K, Max M, Jeff R
Orienteering Requirement 7 requires that the scout take part in 3 orienteering events and write a report on each one. Requirement 8 requires the scout to set up an orienteering course.

Pioneering – Connor C, Karl J, Austin M
Pioneering Requirement 2 requires completion of 1st Class requirement 7a, b, c. Requirement 9 requires design and construction of a pioneering project.


Fishing – Giancarlo V
Bring to camp: fishing gear

Swimming – first year campers, Brian J
Bring to camp: long pants, long-sleeve button-up shirt, socks, old shoes, all of which will go in the water

Wilderness Survival – Ryan B, Connor C, Max D, Christopher G, Christian K, Tyler P, Jeff R, Jason S, Drake Z – Scouts should be aware that this class requires them to build a shelter from natural materials, and spend a night in the shelter.
Bring to camp: Wilderness Survival Requirement 5 requires scouts to make a personal survival kit. An example of a survival kit can be found here:


Basketry – Sam C, Abraham O

Leathercraft – Max D, Stuart M, Abraham O, Calvin P

Woodcarving – Michael D, Peter F, Christopher G, Cody L, Giancarlo V

Rafting Outing at Camp Mach

An optional Troop 24 rafting outing is available during Camp Mach for our older scouts. Scouts who plan to go rafting at Camp Mach need to fill out a permission slip. In order to go on the rafting outing, scouts must: (1) be entering 8th grade or above; (2) be First Class or above; and (3) have earned the Swimming Merit Badge. Permission slips have been received from Ben C, Sam C, Karl J, and Giancarlo V. If you wish to go on the optional rafting outing, please drop off a permission slip at Nancy Hopkins‘ house. You should also plan to take enough money to camp to pay for the rafting outing ($50 or less).

Medical Forms for Camp Mach Needed

Thanks to the six scouts who have turned in their medical forms for Camp Mach. We still need forms from the other 27 of you, as well as the leaders. Forms for scouts can be found here. Leaders (over age 40) have a different form. Please turn in forms to Nancy Hopkins as soon as possible.

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