Troop Meeting at Scout Cabin on Friday

Reminder: there is NO Troop meeting on Thursday. Instead, we will meet on Friday, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., at the Riverside Scout Cabin. All new 5th grade scouts are invited. The program will be about firefighting, and conducted by two of our firefighter dads. New scouts do not need to be in scout uniforms. Information about the Troop, including forms & other paperwork, will be given to the new scouts on Friday. If your scout can not attend, we will have it available at the Troop meeting/New Parent Orientation on March 10 at RPC. Scouts are asked to sign in, and sign out, at the Scout Cabin meetings, so we don’t lose anyone. Please remind your scout to do so.

Updated Pancake Breakfast Schedule

All Scouts: The final revised pancake breakfast schedule is available here. Please double check your scheduled time now. Everyone please note: we need “all hands on deck” to help with clean up beginning at about 12:30/12:45 – both adults and scouts. If you are scheduled earlier and can come back for 30-45 minutes, we could all get the cleanup done quickly and all go home. The breakfast officially closes at 1:00 p.m. but it gets really slow by 12:30 and we are able to start breaking down some of the tables and carrying items back up to the attic after that. Thank you everyone!

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