Training Opportunities

The DesPlaines Valley Council has the following training sessions scheduled for February and March. Please consider registering for one of these classes. Sixteen Webelos scouts will be joining Troop 24 in the next month, and additional leaders will be needed to continue to offer a quality program. Being trained does not mean you must come to every troop meeting or every outing, but having additional trained leaders will give the troop more flexibility. Visit the DesPlaines Valley Council website for more information.

February 20 – New Leader Essentials is an introductory session that highlights the values, aims, history, funding, and methods of Scouting. Following Fast Start Training, this is the first segment of Basic Leader Training for Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing Leaders. (This is not required for former Cub Scout leaders who have already completed the course).

February 24 – Merit Badge Counselor Orientation gives counselors the confidence and consistency needed to counsel Boy Scouts in Merit Badges. This course is required for every Merit Badge Counselor.

March 4, 6, 10 – Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training is required for all Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, and transitioning Webelos leaders. This session concentrates on Troop operation. All three sessions are required.

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