Camp Mach Information on Council Website

The DesPlaines Valley Council now has the 2008 Camp Mach information on-line. See the schedule, the merit badge classes offered, etc. in the Camp Guilde. Also visit the Council website for links to the medical forms you will need to complete before attending camp. A Class 1/Class 2 medical form is required for every participant under age 40. The Class 2 portion must be completed by a doctor, certifying that the scout/leader has had a physical within the past 36 months. Leaders 40 and over must submit the Class 3 medical form annually. Completed medical forms can be turned in at a Troop meeting or given to Nancy Hopkins. Please retain a copy for yourself. The Camp Director will keep the copies we give them.

A reminder: you have until May 29 to register for camp, but earlier registration would be greatly appreciated so we can arrange appropriate transportation. Scouts who just crossed over have until the end of April to sign up at the “early-bird” rate of $200 (rather than $225). Registration forms are available here.

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