February Outing: Upper Limits Climbing

The February outing is for scouts who are first class or higher.  It is a day outing to Upper Limits in Bloomington, IL for the climbing merit badge class, or for Rock Gym 101 if your scout already has the climbing merit badge.  The merit badge class is $40, Rock Gym 101 is $30.  If your scout is going for his climbing merit badge, he must obtain the merit badge book, know the knots, and be able to answer the questions in the book.  These will be covered in the troop meeting on 2/5, which is mandatory for the merit badge.

Each scout should bring a sack lunch on the outing and wear comfortable clothes, such as t-shirt and shorts covered by sweat pants.  The deadline for the permission slip, money, and waiver for the February 7 climbing outing is Thursday, 1/29.  Scouts will not be allowed to climb without the waiver.  As always, we will need volunteers to drive and stay with the scouts.  Anyone who knows how to climb and is willing to come in and teach on Thursday, 2/5, please contact the Scoutmaster.

Some websites that show knot tying are:




The Upper Limits website is www.upperlimits.com

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