Service Opportunities Helping Village Forester

All scouts are invited to participate in any of the Village’s forestry clean-up projects.  This work would qualify as service hours toward rank advancement.  TODAY, at Turtle Park, a group will be working to remove garlic mustard, buckthorn, etc.  If you are available to help, please meet at Turtle Park after school today.

On Saturday, there is another volunteer day scheduled for the triangle park at Longcommon & Dowling.  For that event, please meet the Forester at 9:00 a.m. at the triangle park.

If you participate in any of the Forester’s volunteer days, please be sure to introduce yourself to Mr. Collins and tell him that you are from Troop 24.  All volunteers need to sign a waiver, and scouts under 18 need to have the waiver signed by a parent/guardian, in order to participate. The waiver is available here.

It would be helpful, if you have them, to bring gardening gloves and hand gardening tools (although he may have some available if you forget or don’t have them).

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