Camporee – No Mess Kit, But Bring Cup

Contrary to what the permission slip indicated, scouts do not need to bring a mess kit to the Camporee this weekend. Please send a drinking cup with your scout, however.

We have 28 boys going to the Camporee. Accuweather shows a high of 60 and a low Saturday night of 31 degrees. Be sure your scout takes enough to stay warm and extra clothes should he get wet.

Scouts going on Friday: Be at RPC at 4:45; we leave at 5:00 p.m., and make sure you eat before you come.

Scouts going on Saturdy: Be at RPC NO LATER than 6:50 a.m.; we leave at 7:00 a.m. (sharp), and make sure you eat before you come. Saturday drivers to the Camporee are Cindy Andersen, Rob Corrigan, Cathy Gryczan and Joe Ourth/Nancy Hopkins.

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