Service Hours Guidelines

Rank advancements usually require scouts to perform a certain number of “service hours.” The Troop is often asked to participate in various community events for which service hours may be counted. Our Advancement Chair, Mrs. Olszewski, tracks the service hours for each scout. To make that an easier process, we now have a Service Hour Form, which scouts should fill out and have approved prior to performing the service (to ensure that the event will count). Connor C. has put together a list of local organizations for which service hours are available, which includes contact information.

  1. For a service project that is a “troop event,” which would include Eagle Projects and events such as the recent outing to the Chicago Food Depository, scouts do NOT need to fill out the service form. Those service hours will automatically be tracked by our Advancement Chair.
  2. Service projects for the groups listed on the list of local organizations are automatically approved, but the scout still needs to have the form filled out and turned in, so that Mrs. Olszewski knows about the hours and can keep track of them. Either our Scoutmaster or the Assistant Scoutmasters can sign the form.
  3. If a scout wants to have hours counted for something that is NOT on the spreadsheet, the scout should have the service approved in advance. If the scout does the service without prior approval, it may (or may not) be allowed.
  4. Service done for our chartering organization is automatically approved (for example making sandwiches for the Night Ministry, working at the monthly church work days, etc.)

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