Klondike Derby – February 12, 2011

Troop 24 is planning a day outing to Bemis Woods on February 12, 2011, to participate in the Des Plaines Valley Council Klondike Derby. Scouts will meet at RPC at 7:15 a.m. and return the same day at approximately 4:00 p.m. The Derby this year will feature scout skills as well as games and contests. Each patrol should be ready for fun and challenges.

The cost will be $8 and a can of non-cream soup (to be dumped into a communal pot for “garbage can soup”).

We will be looking for drivers. Since this outing is close, drivers do not need to stay. If you can drive, please indicate the appropriate information with your son’s registration. Adults are welcome to stay and participate. If you would like to participate, please register and pay for yourself separately from your son.

Please remember you must register on the Troop online form AND pay (preferably using the online WePay system). If your son is not registered, he will not show up on the roster. Register here: http://troop24riverside.com/2011/01/klondike-derby-form/

Contact Dawn Gmitro at dmgmitro@aol.com with questions.

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