Outing Notes

Luge: A reminder for those attending the Luge outing this weekend–the Muskegon Sports Complex requires all Luge participants to sign a waiver and to provide proof of insurance. If you and/or your son have not already done so, please print and complete the Luge waiver and provide a copy of your insurance card (both front and back). You will NOT be allowed to participate without this waiver. You may drop them off to Dawn Gmitro by Friday 9:00 a.m., or hand them to Ray Rogers at drop-off on Saturday Morning (7:30 a.m. at RPC). We still have 6 spots open for the Luge outing.

Eagle Cave: We are in need of more drivers for the Eagle Cave outing, January 14-16. Please contact Dawn Gmitro at dmgmitro@aol.com if you are able to drive or if you have questions.

If you have not yet paid for either outing, please do so.

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