Camp Mach July 31 – August 6

Troop 24’s annual summer camp will be held at Camp Mach-Kin-O-Siew (Camp Mach) in northern Wisconsin. We will leave Riverside at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, July 31, and return about mid-day on Saturday, August 6.

If you register before February 24, you are eligible for a discount of $25, for a reduced price of $265. The cost is $290 if paid after February 24. For scouts who have popcorn credit, the amount of the credit should be deducted from your cost.

Webelos 2 scouts have until March 24 to register and receive the discount.

We will have a bus to transport the scouts to Camp. We expect the cost to be approximately $100 per scout, but the final cost will depend on how many scouts sign up. (Popcorn credit can also be used for the bus.)

With the number of scouts expected to attend summer camp (over 30 for each of the past three years), we need a minimum of four adult leaders. Thank you to Tom Hartwig and Kent Johnson, who have already volunteered to be leaders! Any other parents who might be interested in attending Camp Mach, please talk to our Scoutmaster for more information. Our Camp Mach coordinator this year is Mrs. Gomorczak. Please contact her at if you have questions.

Traditionally, all or almost all of our newer scouts have attended summer camp their first year in the Troop. Please visit our photo gallery to view pictures from past trips to Camp Mach.

To sign up: Camp Mach Form

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