Voyageur Trace Camporee, April 15-17

Troop 24 will be attending the Voyageur Trace Spring Camporee in Rochelle, Illinois, April  15-17.  This annual event will highlight camping skills.  Scouts should be dropped off at the Riverside Presbyterian Church on Friday evening (time to be determined).  They will return to the RPC for pick-up by parents on Sunday around noon.  Scouts should come prepared to camp in tents with sleeping bag, sleeping pad and appropriate clothing.  District 96 5th Grade Games Night is on Friday, April 15.  5th grade scouts can come on Saturday morning, with activities likely starting by 9:00 a.m.  We will need drivers! The cost for this event is $30. The deadline for signing up is Wednesday, April 6, at noon.

Please contact Dawn Gmitro with questions at

Please register online.

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