Troop Meeting April 14

At the Troop meeting this week (regular Thursday meeting place & time), the new scouts will continue working on Tenderfoot requirements, specifically those involving Patrol Organization. A representative from the Des Plaines Valley Council will be at the meeting to talk about Youth Leader Training, a training program for scouts 13 and older. We will also be cleaning and preparing the trailer and gear for the Camporee outing.

All scouts should bring their books. Parents — please review with your scouts the importance of having the book at every meeting, and go through the book with them to see which requirements have been signed off. It’s impossible for the leaders to know which requirements every one of our 65 scouts is lacking. Scouts below 1st Class, who believe they have completed a requirement, or want to work on a requirement at the meeting, should talk to a Scoutmaster or Troop Guide (some of older scouts).

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