Troop Calendar Available Online

Events planned for the scouts are available on our Troop Calendar at In addition to the Troop events, you can see the vacation days and major events for Hauser, RB, and Komarek, if you want to check for possible conflicts. We use a Google calendar, which you can import to your own Google calendar or several other calendar formats (Outlook, iCalendar, etc.) Please let us know if you notice any omissions or errors on the calendar.

Upcoming events include:
Sept. 9 Overnight at Scout Cabin SIGN-UP
Sept. 23-25 DPVC Camporall at Rochelle SIGN-UP
Sept. 28 Service project – Greater Chicago Food Depository
Oct. 1 Day trip to Cantigny for Civil War reenactment
Oct. 21-23 Troop camp-out at White Pines

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