Pancake Breakfast Placemat Ads Needed

Troop 24 is once again selling spaces on our annual Pancake Breakfast placemat. Each space is about the size of a business card and can be purchased at three levels of support ($50 Bronze, $100 Silver, and $150 Gold). Our placemats are viewed by the over 900 area residents who attend our breakfast. Most of our spaces are sold to area businesses, but we do have some additional space on the placemat for any family members or family friends who would like to participate. The Pancake Breakfast ticket sales and the placemat ads are our Troop’s main source of income to fund our programming and equipment. If you wish to participate, please contact Sue Jones, Troop Pancake Breakfast Chairman ( All that is needed is a current business card and your contribution check. The business card can be sent via email, brought to a troop meeting, or can be picked up at your home by Sue Jones. The deadline to participate in this program is February 9. Thank you in advance for your support!

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