Ski Trip Report

Roving correspondent, Jimmy S, reports on the Troop’s recent ski trip to Sunburst.

The ski trip for scouts was fantastic! Wonderfully planned by Mrs. Lynch, the scouts had an awesome time! We first arrived at RPC at 7:00 a.m. and left in our separate cars. We arrived at Sunburst Ski Resort, and it took about a half hour to get all of our equipment: helmets, skis or snowboards, depending on what you chose, and boots. Most of us chose skiing over snowboarding, and gathered in a group for skiing lessons. The lessons started at 10:30 and ended at 11:45. In them, we learned how to clock turn, which is how to turn when you are walking with skis on, how to walk uphill with the skis on, how to use a tow rope, and how to ski downhill.

One question may still be lingering on your minds: How do you ski? Well, it takes some practice, but you glide downhill with your skis on and try not to fall over. When you are skiing, you might want to turn, so you just shift your weight onto the side opposite of what you want to turn to. We also gradually started using the ski lifts and going down the higher hills. At 1:00, Mr. Robertson instructed the snow sports merit badge. Alas, at 4:00, skiing was over.

We went back to a really nice hotel and had pizza and soda for dinner. At 6:45, all of the scouts went into their cars and went back to Sunburst for tubing. Tubing was a lot of fun, but was not like water tubing. Yes, of course, we used tubes, but instead of water, we slid down slopes of ice. It was a lot of fun, and it was even better because it was at night! Unfortunately our tubing session ended and we all left the ski resort. We got back and went to the pool for about an hour. We goofed around and then went to our respective hotel rooms and went to sleep. At 7:00 a.m., all of us were supposed to get up, eat our breakfast, pack up, and go home. Unfortunately, my room got up at about 9:00 a.m. and it took a bit longer than it should have.

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