Spring Camporee April 20-22, 2012

Voyageur Trace District invites all Des Plaines Valley Council troops to participate in a Spring Camporee allowing your new scouts to learn some skills for summer camp. Please join us in pitching our scouts against the great outdoors.

When: Friday, April 20 to Sunday, April 22, 2012.
Where: Camp Lakota, 2050 Deep Cut Road, Woodstock, IL 60098-9743.

Program will include the following scout skills: Campfires, Pioneering, Rope Skills, Fire building, Box Oven Cooking, Tent building, Cooking, Dutch Oven Cooking, First Aid, Cleaning & Packing for Summer Camp, and Orienteering. There will be a camp-wide patrol competition culminating in the Camporee campfire celebration on Saturday night.

Troop 24 Scouts will leave from the RPC on Friday evening (time to be determined) and return Sunday around noon. The cost for this outing is $45. The deadline for signing up for the outing is Sunday, April 15 at noon. Please fill out a form for each scout.

If your scout plans to attend our summer camp at Camp Tesomas (July 15-21), he should attend at least one weekend camp-out before attempting a week away from home & family. This camp-out is one opportunity. We will have one other camp-out before summer, on May 18-20, at Kankakee River State Park.

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