Court of Honor April 19

Our Spring Court of Honor will be next Thursday, April 19, 7:00 p.m., in the RPC Social Hall. We have two Courts of Honor each year to recognize our scouts’ achievements. We ask that at least one parent attend with each scout, as parents come to the front of the room to stand with their scout for rank advancements. Our scouts will also describe their events and outings.

To emcee this event, we are asking if there are any scouts currently working on the Communication Merit Badge, who need to full Requirement 8: Plan a troop court of honor, campfire program, or an interfaith worship service. Have the patrol leaders’ council approve it, then write the script and prepare the program. Serve as master of ceremonies. Scouts should contact Mr. Payne at immediately if they wish to fulfill this requirement at the Court of Honor.

Finally, we need two parent volunteers to organize the treats for the reception following the program. Those parent volunteers will coordinate set-up and clean-up and will need volunteers for snacks (cookies, fruit, cheese/crackers, veggies, etc.) If you are willing to help coordinate the reception, please contact Nancy Hopkins at

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