Camp Tesomas Payment Due Sunday, May 20

For those scouts who paid only the deposit earlier, or some portion of their camp fees, we need to receive your final payments by next Sunday, May 20. Scouts can bring their payments to the Troop meeting, or drop them off to Liz Gomorczak or Nancy Hopkins. Only those who earlier paid a $75 deposit and now owe the balance of $215 can pay online at WePay.

From our latest count it looks like 27 scouts have paid in full, which means 33 scouts still owe something. If you have lost track of what you have paid, or what you still owe, please contact Liz Gomorczak at Remember that there is an extra fee for scuba or microtreks.

We are also accepting payment for the bus ($100) and for bicycle transport ($15), but the deadline on those will be June 8. Payment for transportation can be made by check or WePay. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH unless it’s in an envelope MARKED WITH THE SCOUT’S NAME.

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