Law Merit Badge This Week

Sign-up has been closed for the Law Merit Badge. We have 16 scouts registered. The first two sessions (Tuesday, June 19, and Wednesday, June 20) will meet at 7:00 p.m. at RPC. For those of you who attended prior sessions with Mr. Robling, you only need to attend on Wednesday, June 20.
ALL scouts must bring with them on the 20th the following completed requirement:

(4) Ask five people (not more than one from your immediate family) about the role of law enforcement officers in our society. Discuss their answers with them.

Please write or type your answers in summary form for me to review. Please identify who you asked.

On June 19, we will meet in the Westminster Room (downstairs across from the Social Hall). On June 20, it is very important that you be ON TIME and meet outside the church at 7:00 p.m. where Officer Mike Pannick will meet with us to discuss Requirement 4(b) – Ask a law enforcement officer in your neighborhood about his or her responsibilities and duties. Report your findings.

Please be prompt and polite. If you already have a Blue Card, please bring it.

Thank you,
Mrs. Lulich
Merit Badge Counselor

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