Scouts Need Mess Kits for Camping

Our leaders have decided to return to the use of individual mess kits for scout outings. Our oldest scouts will remember when we used mess kits, and may still have one, but younger scouts (freshmen & younger?) will need to procure a mess kit. If you Google “mess kit” you’ll find many kits that include cooking pans, which are not needed.

What should be included in your mess kit? Plate, Cup (for hot chocolate or for soup) so preferably with a handle, fork & spoon. Knives are not needed as we usually aren’t buying steaks for outings–or anything else that would require a knife to cut. Mess kits can be purchased at REI or any sporting good store. Every scout also needs a water bottle for every outing. The water bottle is not a substitute for a cup, since it’s hard to drink soup from a water bottle.

You don’t need to buy a mess kit specifically made for camping. A kid’s plastic plate and flatware from home are fine. Everything should be labeled with your scout’s name. If you want to buy a mess kit, they usually cost $8-$15 and may look like one of these, both of which include items not needed:


light my fire table set

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