Court of Honor April 25

UPDATE 4/24/13: We have had only three families respond. We will have HOARDS of hungry scouts tomorrow, and we really need your help in providing treats!

Our spring Court of Honor, held to recognize advancement and achievement of our scouts, will be held on Thursday, April 25, at 7:00 p.m. at RPC. We ask that scouts be accompanied to the Court by at least one parent. A parent (or parents) come to the front of the room with scouts advancing in rank. Scouts should be in full uniform (shirt, neckerchief, and olive/tan/khaki pants–not necessarily the scout pants, but clean and neat). Scouts with merit badge sashes should wear them.

Snacks will be served following the program. Please let Sue Jones ( know what you can bring. A couple of parents to help set up or clean up afterward would also be appreciated. Please contact Sue to volunteer.

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