Medical Forms for Camp

Reminder: For all scouts attending summer camp (and we hope that’s everyone!), we will need a BSA medical form signed by a physician. The form is valid for 12 months from the date of the signature, so everyone who went to camp last year will need a new form, as well as all of our new scouts. (Note to new scout parents: You turned in the Medical Form Parts A and B. A doctor needs to complete Part C.) Please submit all three parts.

BSA has made the process slightly easier by providing a pdf form, which you can download, fill out, and save on your computer. If you did that last year, all you have to do is find the form on your computer (that might be the hard part), update it if necessary, and print it to take to your doctor. If you did not save the form, you can find it here: The BSA will NOT accept the school/Department of Public Health form. You must use the BSA form.

Please don’t wait until the last minute to do this, as it makes it very difficult for those who have to make multiple copies of the forms.

On Part B where it asks who is allowed to take your scout to/from events, please fill in:
Any Troop 24 leader OR parent, or a bus company hired by Troop 24.

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