Camp Reminders

Please be at Hauser Junior High in Riverside by 6:30 a.m. (parking lot in back of school) to load the bus on Sunday, July 21, 2013.

The bus will depart promptly at 7:00 a.m.

If your scout is bringing medication, please complete the medication form. Liz Gomorczak will collect medication and form the morning of departure. The form is available here:

Don’t forget your bike helmet if you haven’t already dropped it off with your bike. The camp will not allow you to ride without one.

If you haven’t paid for the bus or bike, please do so as soon as possible.
The cost for the bus to camp is $100. For families who have two scouts, the second scout pays $75. Bus fees can be paid online by WePay at, or by check dropped off to Liz Gomorczak.

The cost per person for the bike transportation is $15. This can be paid by check or at WePay: Every scout also has to sign a Bicycle Usage Agreement required by Camp Tesomas. Please print a copy of the form (available at and deliver it to our Camp Coordinator, Liz Gomorczak.

If you would like to write to your son/sons, please use the following address. Be sure to mail correspondence early in the week to ensure it’s received before checkout. Please do not send food or “care packages.”

Camper’s Name, Unit 24
Tesomas Scout Camp
5403 Spider Lake Road
Rhinelander, WI 54501

Here’s a list of what to bring to camp:

Here’s a link to the troop’s website with all the camp details:

Last, if an emergency arises, you may reach the camp at the following phone number or e-mail (place camper’s name and unit number (Troop 24) in the subject heading) and the Camp Director will ensure that the camper receives the message:

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