Life to Eagle November 26

Attention Life Scouts and Parents of Life Scouts (or those Scouts close to attaining Life Rank)

As announced at the October Court of Honor, there is a Life to Eagle presentation on Tuesday, November 26. Even better, it is to be held in Riverside at the Township Hall! (Right next to the Village Hall)

This presentation will go over in depth the procedures for starting, working on, and completing your Eagle Scout Service Project. Even if you are just starting to think about what you might want to do for a project, this presentation may offer insight on what is/is not acceptable so you can minimize your effort and maximize your success.

Although you can just come that night and register, it is recommended you register in advance so they know how many they should expect to attend. (Like the troop, if there is not enough interest, the Council may cancel this event. This is so close we don’t want it to be cancelled as the next one may require travel of up to an hour to attend.)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Rogers at

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