Klondike Derby: Second Place and MORE

Not only did our scouts take second place in the Klondike Derby on February 1, they also got a chance to put their first aid training to use, and did an outstanding job! A scout from another patrol, that did not have a leader with them, was hit on the head by a sled. While the rest of his patrol ran off, two scouts carried him up to the area where we were. You should have seen our scouts jump into action when they heard them yell, “Help! We have a hurt scout!”

They grabbed the first aid kit, offered their coats, hats and gloves as a cushion, reassured him, shielded his face from the snow and even did a little crowd control to keep the area clear. They were amazing and we can be proud of the job they did! Due to the fact that they stayed and helped, they lost points for the stations they missed. It didn’t even faze them.

Leader Mark Janopoulos did a great job too! While leaders were contemplating how to get the injured scout to the warming house, Mark ran and brought up the car. He eventually had to drive the paramedics and scout to an area where the second ambulance could pick them up. The first ambulance never made it up the road; it slid and became stuck. The scout turned out to be okay, he was just in shock.

Our boys really did a great job and were a great representation of Troop 24. When you see them, please congratulate Ryan C., Zach J., Ben J., Chris and Robert M., and Ewan P.

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