Court of Honor Thursday, October 30

In place of our usual Thursday troop meeting, there will be a Court of Honor this week, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the RPC Social Hall (downstairs).

Wikipedia’s definition of a BSA Court of Honor: “In the Boy Scouts of America a court of honor is a troop activity where scouts and their families come together to get their awards, and have a good time together. It is important for the scouts family members to be there for their scouts receiving his rank advancement, merit badges, and other awards.”

Troop 24 holds 2 Courts of Honor each year–one in the fall and one in the spring. We expect that all scouts participate in these events, although this year we realize there is a conflict with the RB Band & Orchestra concert, which will prevent some of our scouts from attending.

We also ask that each scout have at least one parent or grandparent present. Parents as well as scouts come forward when rank advancements are announced, and it’s sad when a scout has to stand up there alone.

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