Disability Awareness: Sign up Now

It’s not too late to sign up for the Disability Awareness Merit Badge. We will meet at the North Riverside Commons on WEDNESDAY, December 3, at 6:30 p.m. The Lincolnway Special Recreation Association will be coming with wheelchairs and other interactive devices to teach the scouts what it feels like to have a disability. The Troop is paying for this class; there is no cost to our scouts.

There will be NO REGULAR TROOP MEETING this Thursday, December 4. Instead, Mrs. Lulich and Mrs. Lanken will complete the remaining requirements for the merit badge at RPC at 7:00 in the Social Hall.

We realize that the Thursday class conflicts with the Hauser concert. For those scouts who can not come on Thursday, December 4, we will schedule an additional session to complete the badge. The date will depend on how many scouts are involved, and their schedules; it’s possible that it will be in 2015.

Sign up here: http://troop24riverside.com/2014/11/disability-awareness-form-december-3-4/

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