Feed Our Community Day 2015 Form

Fall Court of Honor November 5

Please mark your calendars: We have rescheduled our fall Court of Honor to Thursday, November 5, due to a conflict on the previous date with RB Parent/Teacher Conferences. We will have another opportunity before the end of October for scouts to have Boards of Review.

Help Needed for Cub Scout Campfire on October 17

The Pack 24 Cub Scouts are looking for a few troop members to conduct a campfire ceremony at their camp-out at the Riverside Scout Cabin on Saturday, October 17. The cub scout camp fire will begin in the early evening. We are looking for a maximum group size of six scouts. Interested scouts should sign up here and be prepared to spend time working on their program, which should include skits, songs and a flag retirement ceremony.

Any Troop 24 scout participating in this program is invited to come to the camp out and enjoy pizza dinner as a guest of the pack.

If you have any questions, please email Jim Jerz (jiminov@hotmail.com).

Cub Scout Campfire Form

Aviation Merit Badge Waitlist Form

Troop Committee Secretary Needed

Our Scoutmaster, John Flaherty, previously served as the Secretary of the Troop Committee. We need a parent to volunteer to be the Committee Secretary. The Secretary attends all the Troop Committee meetings, which are held on the first Tuesday of the month at RPC, and last from 7:00 to approximately 8:30. We never have meetings in June or July. The Secretary takes notes and types up the minutes for approval at the next meeting. As with all other committee members, the Secretary occasionally serves on Boards of Review for scout advancement.

If you are interested in this position, please contact Nancy Hopkins at nmhopkins1@comcast.net. If you are not already a committee member, you will need to fill out a BSA Adult Registration and take online Youth Protection Training.

Our October Troop Committee meeting is Tuesday, October 6, and we would like to have a volunteer before the meeting (BSA registration can be done later)!

Example of minutes:minutes-2015-09-08

Eagle Project Help Needed This Weekend

All scouts and adults are invited to help with Will F’s Eagle Project this Saturday, October 2 (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), and Sunday, October 3 (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.), at the Riverside Scout Cabin. The work will consist of staining and/or prepping the cabin for staining.

This is a BIG project, and any time you are willing to help will be greatly appreciated–just come to the Scout Cabin and stay as long as you are able. Service hours for given for scouts needing hours for advancement.

Questions? Contact Will at 68south@gmail.com.

Orienteering Outing November 7

Parents & Scouts: Please put our annual Waterfall Glen Orienteering outing on your calendar for November 7. The is the only opportunity we have, outside of summer camp, for scouts to earn First Class requirement 2: Using a map and compass, complete an orienteering course that covers at least one mile and requires measuring the height and/or width of designated items (tree, tower, canyon, ditch, etc.). It’s very important for scouts who need this requirement to attend this outing.

During the outing scouts will also be able to finish First Class requirement 1: Demonstrate how to find directions during the day and at night without using a compass.

Scouts who are working on the Cooking Merit Badge may also have a chance to complete Cooking MB requirement 7: Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, plan a menu for trail hiking or backpacking that includes one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, and one snack. These meals must not require refrigeration and are to be consumed by three to five people (including you). List the equipment and utensils needed to prepare and serve these meals. Then do the following:

  • Create a shopping list for your meals, showing the amount of food needed to prepare and serve each meal, and the cost for each meal.
  • Share and discuss your meal plan and shopping list with your counselor. Your plan must include how to repackage foods for your hike or backpacking trip to eliminate as much bulk, weight, and garbage as possible.
  • While on a trail hike or backpacking trip, prepare and serve two meals and a snack from the menu planned for requirement 7. At least one of those meals must be cooked over a fire, or an approved trail stove (with proper supervision).
  • For each meal prepared in requirement 7c, use safe food-handling practices. Explain how you kept foods safe and free from cross-contamination. Clean up equipment, utensils, and the site thoroughly after each meal. Properly dispose of dishwater, and pack out all garbage.
  • After each meal, have those you served evaluate the meal on presentation and taste, then evaluate your own meal. Discuss what you learned with your counselor, including any adjustments that could have improved or enhanced your meals. Tell how better planning and preparation help ensure successful trail hiking or backpacking meals.

An official sign-up will be available soon. We’ll also need leaders & drivers!

Last Minute Merit Badge Openings

Troop 24 has two openings for upcoming merit badge classes, as scouts who already signed up can’t attend now. There is one slot open for Insect Study on Saturday, October 3, from 10:00 to 4:00 at the Field Museum. There is another spot open for Mammal Study at the Willowbrook Forest Preserve (Glen Ellyn) next Saturday, October 10 (during Camp Inferno).

Interested scouts should contact Linda Sanduski for more information.

Aviation Merit Badge November 15, 2015

The DuPage County Airport in West Chicago is offering an upcoming Aviation Merit Badge event during which Boy Scouts can attend the classroom training, followed by an airplane flight with a certified/volunteer pilot (front seats are offered to older Scouts first), after which the boys will receive their signed blue cards. Scout who have already earned the Aviation Merit Badge should not sign up.

Troop 24 has 12 spots available on Sunday, November 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with a break for lunch. Scouts should bring a sack lunch. The cost is $25, which covers airplane fuel expenses. Parents of scouts attending will need to provide transportation, and at least two parents will need to stay with the scouts. Questions? Contact Linda Sanduski.

More information about the Aviation Merit Badge can be found at https://www.meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Aviation

All scouts attending must have a Parent Consent Form turned in to Linda Sanduski BEFORE November 15. The form can be downloaded here:
Parent Consent Form

Sign up here

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