Impromptu Camping this Saturday

Troop 24 will be joining the traditional pack 24 scout cabin camp this Saturday, October 15.  We will be focusing on cooking requirements and other advancement opportunities for scouts that are first class and below.   If your scout would like to work on specific advancement requirements, please let us know in advance.

Our plan is to meet at the scout cabin on Fairbank Road in Riverside on Saturday afternoon, specific time is TBD.  We are targeting a cost of $15 per scout to cover the cost of ingredients for dinner and breakfast.  Payment should be brought to the event with checks made out to Troop 24.

While this is last minute (aka “impromptu”) we need to have a headcount by end-of-day on Friday (October 14) to finalize arrangements and get the logistics in order.  Email assistant scoutmaster Lisa Gaynor ( or Jim Jerz ( with any questions.  Please click here to register by the deadline.

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