Pancake Breakfast Adult Volunteers Needed!

Every year, we count on our fantastic parents to pitch in and help out with supervisory roles at the Pancake Breakfast, and to help with Setup the Thursday night before.

To sign up for a shift, log on to the Troop 24 Pancake Breakfast website at

If you haven’t signed in before, click on the Register as a New User link on the log in page. You will be asked for your name, email and a password. This will allow you to access the Adult Volunteer page that includes a link to the Adult Volunteer Work Schedule.

If you have done a particular job before, please sign up for it again if you can. We value your experience. If you can sign up for more than one shift, please feel free to do that as well.

Click the link for the Adult Volunteer Work Schedule. You will see the Shift Grid. Click on any shift marked as AVAILABLE and your name will appear in that spot. That’s it. You’re signed up. Now click on the job name you signed up for to view a PDF with instructions on doing the job you signed up for.

If you click the wrong shift, or too many, click the [X] button next to your name in the shift box and it will be erased.

Note: There are 2 tabs at the top of the schedule. The Adult Volunteer Work Schedule defaults to the day of the Pancake Breakfast (Sat Mar 4th). But if you cannot work the day of the Pancake Breakfast, click the Setup (Thu Mar 2nd) tab and sign up for that. If there is not a shift available, or you cannot work any of the times left, please send an email to so we can try to work out a way for you to help. ALSO, WE MAY CHANGE YOUR ASSIGNED JOB IF NEEDED. Any changes should be finalized by Feb 28th, so make sure you check back then.

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