1,000 Trees Service Project

It would be great to have a few more scouts and leaders helping with Riverside’s annual 1,000 Trees Planting Project. On Saturday, November 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. we meet at the Riverside Town Hall Second Floor Auditorium for a training. We will then head out together to plant previously collected tree seeds along the Des Plaines River. When we are done, we’ll go to the Scout Cabin to return tools and enjoy soup, chili and hot cocoa. This reforestation effort will be fun, rewarding and easy, and this project will earn scouts conservation service hours needed for rank advancement. Participants should wear warm clothes, gloves, boots and a hat, or whatever outerwear is appropriate for the day’s weather. Scouts do not need to commit to the entire time period to participate.

Scouts sign up here

Leaders/Adults sign up here

Keep reading below for another important reminder…

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