It’s Election Day at Troop 24!!!  It’s time to elect new scout leadership to lead your troop for the rest of the scout year through August 31.  The Senior Patrol Leader and his administration is responsible for planning meetings and outings, setting the tone of the future of your Troop, and leading the Troop at Summer Camp.  The SPL should be a First Class or higher Scout, at least a high school sophomore or equivalent age, and had previous leadership experience as a Patrol Leader, Den Chief, or ASPL.   The troop will accept nominations from the floor; each candidate will be given two minutes to make his campaign speech; and the vote will be conducted by secret ballot.  We look forward to our senior scouts stepping up to give back to the Troop that has given so much to you.  Each patrol will elect a new Patrol Leader.  In addition, all First Class and above scouts must meet with Mr. Flaherty to select or renew their troop jobs.

Order of Arrow elections will also occur on Thursday.  It is extremely important that the entire troop be on hand for the elections otherwise Pachsegink Lodge will not accept the results.  All current OA members should wear their sashes.

Pizza Party immediately following the elections and patrol meetings.

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