Alex C’ Eagle Project

Troop 24’s Alex C is looking for help for his Eagle project this week. Here is some information from Alex:
My project is planting a garden to attract hummingbirds at Patriots’ Park in Riverside.
The garden will also provide a nice view for park goers.
I will be using gladiolus, catmint, allium, hyacinth, and hydrangeas to create this garden.

Volunteers are needed to help pull up a weeds and lay down the plating soil and fertilizer. Then they will plant the bulbs and plants into the ground.

The primary volunteer work day will be July 29.  July 30 and July 31 will be added from 8 a.m. to noon if needed. Both adult and scout volunteers are needed. Thank you for your help!

Sign up to help here:Alex C’s Eagle Project Volunteers

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