Camp Wokanda – LAST CHANCE!


Camp Wokanda registration closes tomorrow evening so sign up today!

Where else can you sleep in a wood stove heated cabin, have tons of winter fun, and eat great food?

Troop 24 will travel to Chillicothe, Illinois where Scouts will learn cast-iron cooking, fire-building techniques, basic orienteering, and winter tree ID; try ice fishing or tai chi; take a winter survival class; or sign up for a 2- or 8-hour endurance run or full orienteering meet; PLUS enjoy a free chili lunch.

We still have room for TWO more Scouts, and up to more 9 Chaperones/Leaders, so sign up now!

When: Jan. 11th – 13th, 2019

*Everyone should be prepared to meet at RPC no later than 4:15 on Friday Jan. 11th.

**Since this is a 2.5-3 hour drive Scouts will stop for dinner along the way. Please plan to send $10.00 with your Scout for Friday night’s dinner.


Where: Camp Wokanda

620 E Boy Scout Rd,

Chillicothe, IL 61523



Scout cost is $55.00

Leader cost is $35.00

Chaperone is $55.00



Scouts register HERE

Leaders register HERE

Chaperones/Parents register HERE

***Parents/Adults/Chaperones, please DO NOT register as a Scout. We have a limited number of spaces available and by registering as a Scout, you take away an opportunity for a Scout to register***

***Leaders are registered and chartered with Troop 24, have a current YPT certification on file, and will be driving at least 3 Scouts to/from Camp Wokanda. If you do not meet one or more of the criteria listed, please register as a Chaperone.


If you have any questions about how to register for this event please email


Your in Scouting,



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