Water Sports and Motorboating Merit Badge

Troop 24 is offering both merit badges for the first time.  The class is limited to 8 Scouts so that 4 can work on Motorboating and 4 can work on Water Sports then switch activities.  The cost of the outing will be $45 per scout which will cover fuel for the boats as well as breakfast and lunch on Friday.  Please plan to send extra money with your scout for Thursday’s dinner as we will stop on our way to Lake Geneva.

We will leave from RPC on Thursday, August 1st at 5:00pm.  We will stop for dinner then arrive at the Snyder’s where we will have a campfire.  We will be staying in the Snyder’s Lake Cottage (not in tents). Friday will be spent on Lake Geneva and we plan on being done by 3:00pm returning to RPC approximately 5:30pm on Friday.  Please click on the links provided here to see the requirements for both merit badges.  Please review these with your scout.

Motorboating https://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Motorboating

Water Sports https://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Water_Sports


This Merit Badge event is only open to Troop 24 Scouts who already have the Swimming Merit Badge.  Registrations are being accepted only for the first 8 scouts to sign up.  You can check on the Troop 24 Website “Upcoming Events” page to make sure your registration was fully submitted and accepted.


If you have a PFD that your son likes to wear please feel free to send it with them.  If not we will have PFD’s for everyone.  Make sure that they pack a swimsuit that they can tie, towel, and sunscreen.


In addition to our leaders Mr. Hartwig and Mr. Snyder,  we are looking for 2 adult drivers, preferably adults who will stay for the entire event and participate as chaperones.  Please sign up on the Adult Form if you can help with this event.


Here are links to the forms:



Water Sports & Motorboating Merit Badge Overnight 8/1/2019 SCOUT FORM



Water Sports & Motorboating Merit Badge Overnight 8/1/2019 ADULT FORM


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