Troop Meeting – Thursday, October 24th

This week, we will hone our Orienteering skills in preparation for the Waterfall Glen orienteering courses. We may enjoy a festive Halloween orienteering challenge. Warefall Glen campers will also prepare their menus.

If you have a compass, feel free to bring it along!

COOKING MERIT BADGE Req 6 [Trail & Backpacking meals] – Mr. Flaherty will meet with you to review the necessary preparations for meeting the requirement on the camp-out.

POPCORN CAMPAIGN: this is the final meeting to turn in your forms and money to Kernel Pecis!

HIGH ADVENTURE: our Scout committee has selected Northern Tier (BSA) and Isle Royale (Camp Tesomas) as our possible treks next summer. Stay tuned for details.

TROOP JOBS: thanks to Mateo and Nate for taking on the Quartermaster and Historian jobs.

** NEXT WEEK’s MEETING: WEDNESDAY at the Scout Cabin **

Remember your Handbook!

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