Camp Tesomas 2023 Reminders

Bike Inspection
We strongly suggest that you get your bike inspected so that it is in good working condition to handle the off-road terrain all week at camp. Bring your bike inspection receipt to drop off. Bike inspection for camp will take place at Gears 2 You at the Riverside Train Station in Riverside. Please call Peter at 636-BikeFix (636)-245-3349 and make an appointment to have your bike inspected. Inspections are free.

Bike & Equipment Drop-Off
Bike drop-off is at Tom Hartwig’s yard at 2413 4th Avenue in North Riverside on Saturday, July 15 between 9 am and noon. Remember to bring a bike helmet, as it is required by Camp Tesomas. You also need to read and sign the Tesomas Bike Agreement.

If you have any troop tents or other troop equipment, please bring them to Tom Hartwig’s house any time this week or at the bike drop-off on Saturday. Please note that Tom’s correct address is: 2413 4th Avenue in North Riverside.

What to Bring
Please print and review the Troop 24 recommended Camp Tesomas Packing List 6/2023. Scouts should pack so they know where everything is. Put your scout’s name on everything–AND WE MEAN EVERYTHING! Scouts must wear Class A uniforms (Scout shirts but not neckerchiefs) for travel to camp. Class A uniforms are required for dinners at Camp Tesomas. Remember your scout book as we will have opportunities to work on rank advancement at Tesomas. If you have partial blue cards from merit badges offered at Tesomas, bring the partial blue cards so you can attempt to complete them at camp. You do not need blue cards for this year’s classes. The Troop will bring its large collection of merit badge booklets to camp and the purchase of merit badge booklets is optional. Bring proof of prerequisites that have been completed. Be sure to bring insect repellant and long pants & a long-sleeved shirt. When buying insect repellant, be sure it is NON-AEROSOL (aerosol sprays are very flammable and are not allowed at camp). You may bring a cell phone (at your own risk) and earbuds for use on the bus only. Please make sure that you have filled out the Signup Genius so that we know who is bringing tents and who needs a Troop tent. If your Scout is sharing a Troop tent it is not recommended that they bring a cot. Cots will not fit in the Troop Tents. Sleeping pads are the best option.

Scouts taking medications (prescription and non-prescription) should bring the meds in the original container in a Ziplock bag labeled with the scout’s name. If there are multiple medications for a scout, please include a note detailing the time, dosage, etc.
Please give the bags to a leader at bus drop-off on Sunday. The Tesomas medical office is available for scouts who need medication refrigerated or need other assistance. Please email Scoutmaster Dave Flassing if you have concerns.
Anyone who did not turn in their complete BSA medical form (with a copy of their health insurance card) MUST bring TWO copies on Sunday morning.
Scouts participating in a Microtrek program must bring their waivers completed, including parent signatures.

Snacks/Allergy Info
No snacks are allowed in tents – do not bring any extra food during the week. For the bus trip to camp, you should have a water bottle and if you wish a NUT-FREE, non-messy snack, such as a piece of fruit or two.

The Scouts riding the bus will stop for lunch on the way to camp and on the return trip home. Scouts will either need to pack or purchase lunch on the ride to camp and will need to be able to purchase lunch when returning.

It is not required for you to send money with your Scout for the Trading Post. However, Tesomas has a very nice Trading post and the suggested allowance for snacks is up to each individual parent. $20.00 for snacks seems to be average for Scouts while at camp. The Trading Post does sell souvenirs like t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and other items, and if you would like your scout to be able to purchase any of those items it usually requires an additional allowance. The leaders will not hold Scouts’ money and are not responsible if it is lost or stolen. Scouts will receive a Camp Tesomas shirt from our Troop at no additional cost.

It is suggested that the lunch money be kept in a separate baggie, like a snack pack size, marked lunch, from money brought for the Trading Post.

Meet in the parking lot of Hauser Jr. High at 6:30 a.m. sharp on Sunday, July 16th to load gear and prepare for a 7:00 am departure.

Swim Test
Scouts who did not take the swim test in advance will be taking the test almost immediately after arrival. Bring swim trunks and a towel in a separate bag on the bus.

Return to Riverside
The scouts arrive back at the Hauser parking lot at around 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 22nd. They will use leaders’ phones to call as they get close and/or a group email will go out letting parents know when to meet the bus. The bikes usually get back to Riverside before the bus to give you an opportunity to pick up your Scout’s Bike early. A group email will go out with the arrival time of the Bike trailer.

Tesomas Website
Check out the Camp Tesomas website for more information.

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