Kyle E Eagle Project

A Message from Kyle about his Eagle Project:
Hi, my name is Kyle and I am working on my Eagle Project.  I am collecting non-perishable food for the Little Food Pantry at the Riverside Presbyterian Church.  I am having a food drive on September 24, 12:00pm – 3:00pm.

When:  September 24, 12pm-3pm

Where:  Riverside Presbyterian Church Parking Lot off Scottswood Road

What:  We need non-perishable foods such as canned meals, like Chef Boyardee, and canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned meats, granola bars, soup, etc.

Why:  These donations will help stock The Little Food Pantry to help those in need in the Riverside community.

Also, I need scout volunteers to help with the food drive.  A couple scouts will be getting the food from the people donating food, other scouts will be sorting the food to make sure there are no expired foods, and a couple scouts will be taking the sorted food into the church where the Little Food Pantry stores the donated food items.

Please sign up HERE to let me know if you can volunteer.  I would be very grateful if you could volunteer and help with my Eagle project.

Thank you,

Kyle E

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