Fall Court of Honor 2020 FORM

Last Call for Camp Sullivan Signup

Just a reminder, this is a great campout for first year scouts and an excellent chance to work on rank advancement. Signup closes Wednesday at midnight.

Here is the info again.

For the ROCK CLIMBING at this campout – parents must complete this waiver and email to troop24events@gmail.com.

Here’s a great chance to do some rock climbing, finish rank advancements, and hang out with your fellow Scouts March 13-15. Registration closes on March 11, so sign up today!

This is the perfect trip for our new First Year Scouts to get a night of camping under their belt nearby at the Cook County Forest Preserve Campground in Tinley Park, IL. Not only will they get to hang out with other first years, they will receive personalized training from Troop 24’s Instructors, Guides, Asst. Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. The cost for this campout is $35.00. First Year Scouts will leave RPC Saturday (3/14) at 8:30am and return to RPC Sunday (3/15) at 10:30am. First Year Scouts should register HERE.

Second Year Scouts and above will spend Friday night working on rank advancement requirements that can only be completed on a campout like acting as Patrol cook, starting a fire, setting up a stove, and more. The cost for this campout is $40.00. Second Year Scouts & above will leave RPC Friday 3/13 at 4:30pm and return to RPC Saturday 3/15 at 10:30am. Second year and above Scouts should register HERE.

Campouts like this would be impossible without our fearless leaders and parent chaperones! We still need drivers and parent chaperones so please sign up today.

When you sign up you can let us know how you would like to help. Whether you’re a driver only, a parent chaperone who camps overnight with the troop, or you’re a registered leader who can spend the whole weekend, we greatly appreciate your help!

Tomorrow is Troop Election Thursday!

GATHER IN THE SANCTUARY – DO NOT GO TO THE GYM!  An event will be finishing up in the gym so go directly to the sanctuary.

ELECTION:   Thursday night we will elect a new Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) after hearing all SPL “stump speeches” from your fellow Scouts.

ADJOURN TO THE SOCIAL HALL:   After the election ballots are collected, we’ll adjourn to the Social Hall. Once in the social hall we will

  • Announce the new Troop Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) who will appoint a new Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL).
  • Elect new Patrol Leaders, who will appoint new Assistant Patrol Leaders
  • Assign Troop Jobs – Including Quartermasters, Instructors, Den Chiefs, Outdoor Ethics Guide, Librarian, Historian, Chartered Organization Aide, Scribe, and a Bugler.
  • Eat Pizza!

ENJOY SOME PIZZA!  Once Troop24 business has been completed everyone can enjoy some pizza and camaraderie with your fellow Scouts and Patrol members.



  • ALL Scouts are required to sell tickets and sign up for a job at the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday March 7th, 2020.
  • If you have not signed up for a job or turned in your money, please do so IMMEDIATELY.
  • Bring your $75.00 in ticket sales to the Troop Meeting this week.
  • NO REGULAR MEETING ON MARCH 5TH.  Scouts who can’t work a Saturday shift MUST attend this set-up meeting.
  • This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we can not do it without our Scout families.

MANDATORY MARCH 12TH MEETING: Order of the Arrow [OA] elections.

CAMP SULLIVAN CROSSOVER CAMP-OUT coming up [MAR 13-14-15].  Registration available soon.  All newly-appointed Instructors stay through Sunday to work with the Crossovers.

SCOUTS NEEDED!  The annual Hauser Food Drive is in its 50th year! The “Feed Our Community Day” (meal packing event) takes places on Saturday, April 4th from 9:00am-5:00pm in the Hauser cafeteria.  Details forthcoming.

SUMMER CAMP AT TESOMAS [July 12-18] is around the corner!  Information forthcoming.

Mandatory Thursday Meeting – Election & Pizza Party!

Troop 24 Scouts –

This Thursday’s meeting is MANDATORY for anyone not involved in the “Big Fish” RBHS play rehearsals.

It’s Troop Election & Pizza Party Thursday!

You may be able to leave early if necessary, but we need maximum turn-out for the elections and Troop job appointments.

More details to follow in tomorrow’s post.

Sanduski Eagle Project sign up – Form

Troop Meeting – February 6 – Camp-craft [II]

This week, we’ll continue our exploration of camp-craft in anticipation of our Spring camping season.


We’ll discuss camp bedding, tent etiquette, enjoy a camping skills contest and a sleeping bag relay.

We’ll also continue to review our “next-rank” requirements.



MANDATORY TROOP MEETING on Feb. 27th: Troop Election Day!

Sell those pancake breakfast tickets!
Michael Anthony’s Troop 24 Family Dinner on February 9th, 5:00-8:00.  Click here for details.
Still spots available for the July Isle Royale high adventure back-packing trek [14 and older/First Class and above].  Click here for information.

Last Chance to Register for Winter Tesomas – Deadline Today

Deadline today***

It’s back; this time with more options and better pricing!!

We will leave Friday afternoon, have dinner on the road and drive straight to Tesomas this year, participating in the winter camp offering and adding on an extra day to make it a three day weekend, returning on Monday afternoon.

Program options for campers are Downhill Skiing, Snowboarding, Tubing & Tenderfoot Rank Advancement,  and pricing ranges from $80-$125 for the entire weekend including equipment rental.

Winter Tesomas Campout – February 14-17, 2020 (President’s Day Weekend Friday-Monday)

Please email troop24events@gmail.com with questions, thanks!

Yours in Scouting,

Cindy Reynolds & Kimber Coombes

Troop 24 Event Coordinators

Troop Meeting – January 30 – Camp-craft

Having concluded our Sports theme with blanketball, skills circuits, water polo, and informative overviews of wrestling and soccer, we’ll be starting our last theme of the Fall term – camp-craft.

This week, we’ll start with an overview of tents, including the particular tents used by the Troop.  This will prepare us in the off-season for tent-camping coming soon in March.

We’ll also be visited by the Pack 24 and 120 Webelos II Crossovers, so be prepared!  Let’s show them why Troop 24 Scouting is fun!

Finally, we’ll continue to review our next-rank requirements this week and throughout February.



-Sell those pancake breakfast tickets! If you didn’t have a chance to pick up your tickets, they have been mailed to your home address.

-Scout Sunday at RPC is February 2nd!  Click here for details.

-Michael Anthony’s Troop 24 Family Dinner on February 9th, 5:00-8:00.  Details forthcoming.

-To register for the annual [February] Winter Tesomas outing, click here.

-Still spots available for the July Isle Royale high adventure back-packing trek [14 and older/First Class and above].  Click here for information.

Troop Meeting at PAV YMCA – January 23 – Drop off @ 7:00 pm, Pick-up @ 8:30 pm

This week, we’ll continue our Sports & Athletics theme in the pool.

Bring a suit, towel, flip-flops, and goggles [if you have a pair]!

We’ll enjoy an overview of Water polo, following on last week’s discussion of Wrestling and Soccer.

We’ll explore some – or all – of the requirements below.  Handbooks are not required, since we’ll be at the pool, but if you can note what you haven’t fulfilled below, that may help!

Second Class
5a. Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe swim.
5b. Demonstrate your ability to pass the BSA beginner test: Jump feet-first into water over your head in depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, then return to your starting place.
5c. Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg, by reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects.
5d. Explain why swimming rescues should not be attempted when a reaching or throwing rescue is possible. Explain why and how a rescue swimmer should avoid contact with the victim.

First Class
6a. Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test: Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy, resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn.
6b. Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe trip afloat.
6c. Identify the basic parts of a canoe, kayak, or other boat. Identify the parts of a paddle or an oar.
6d. Describe proper body positioning in a watercraft, depending on the type and size of the vessel. Explain the importance of proper body position in the boat.
6e. With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both as tender and as rescuer. (The practice victim should be approximately 30 feet from shore in deep water.)


Your pancake breakfast tickets will be available if you did not pick them up at the Jan 16th meeting.  Click here for pancake breakfast details.

To register for the annual [February] Winter Tesomas outing, click here.
Still spots available for the July Isle Royale high adventure back-packing trek [14 and older/First Class and above].  Click here for information.


The Pancake breakfast is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need your help to make it a success!

As always, ALL Scouts are responsible for selling 15 tickets at $5 each for a total of $75.

Scouts should pick up their ticket packets at either of the next two Thursday meetings, 1/16 or 1/23.

Ticket money is due 2/13. You may bring your ticket money to a Thursday meeting or drop it off at Ms. Henderson’s house. Her address may be found inside your ticket packet.

*If you have not sold all of your tickets by 2/13, you can buy them yourself, then resell up until the date of the Pancake Breakfast, Saturday March 7, but you are responsible for the full value of the tickets you are issued.

***Please Note – Your ticket packet will contain your BSA ID#. You will need your BSA ID# to sign up for your Pancake Breakfast job once the signup website is ready. Please save this information in a safe place!


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